Positive remarks for CBA partnership

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There was nothing but positive remarks from a number of individuals regarding the Central Basketball Association (CBA) Global Opportunities Programme, as the eight players were out in full force on Tuesday night. The CBA players participated in a scrimmage with a mixture of local players from the Division One teams, winning the encounter.
President of the CBA, Wasim Marad spoke with OBSERVER media of his perception of the local players and the overall goal of the programme. “The guys here have potential, there is a lot of talent here and also room for improvement. Our guys will help to mentor and develop the guys here and the ultimate goal is to get local players to play not only in the CBA but in colleges as well.”
Marad praised the country for its hospitality and the overall positive attitude of the people. “Being here for just a few days the people here are very welcoming and really help the guys to feel comfortable. People would pass them on the street and just greet them. Even the players are very optimistic and that’s just a plus to strengthen the programme.” Torey Fassette, one of the players here in Antigua joined with the president in crediting the local players and the atmosphere of the country.
“One of the first things I realised about the guys here is that they are really strong and energetic and I can’t wait to see what Antigua basketball is really about. Truly, everyone here and just the scenery in this country is amazing.” Former National Coach, George Hughes also approved of the programme. “Doing some research, these guys have played at a higher level, and because they have, they will bring a lot of experience and leadership to teams that lack it.”
The Division one coach also added that the interaction with the CBA and younger players would be great. “The interaction with the CBA guys will give the younger players an opportunity to learn from them as they have played in Division one and at such a high level. The programme is really a good one.”

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